250 gramas de arroz cozido .
200 gramas de salame picante (ou chouriço).
1 cebola.
200 gramas de argolas de lulas congeladas.
2 dentes de alho.
2 malaguetas vermelhas pequenas.
1 pimentão vermelho.
1 pimentão verde.
4 coxas de frango.
Sal a gosto.
Pimenta preta.
1 pitada de páprica em pó.
4 colher (sopa) de azeite.
100 milímetros de vinho branco.
1 punhadinho de açafrão (0,2 gramas).
500 milímetros de caldo de peixe.
1 limão.
1- Descongele as argolas de lula.Descasque a cebola e os destes de alho e pique bem fino.
Lave as malagueta e os pimentões, e seque-os e corte ao meio em sentido do comprimento.
Pique fino as pimenta malagueta e corte os pimentões em pedaços de 1 centímetros.
2- Passe as coxas de frango por água fria, sequeas-as e tempere com sal,pimenta e páprica.
Tire a pele do salame picante e corte em rodelas.
3- Aqueça um pouco de azeite numa frigideira grande e alta.
Coloque as coxas de frango na frigideira, frite dos dois lados, durante 3 minutos e tire do fogo.
Em uma panela, coloque o restante do azeite, e acrescente, a cebola, o alho, a malagueta e os pimentões e deixe refogar, mexendo sempre.
Adicione o arroz e refogue até ficar translúcido .
4- Derrame sobre o arroz e os legumes o vinho Branco, junte o açafrão.
Tempere com sal e a pimenta, adicione 500 milímetros do caldo de peixe e deixe ferver por 15 minutos.
5- Fereficando que o caldo é pouco acrescente mais caldo, para que o arroz não queime.
Adicione as argolas de lula de descongeladas e deixe cozinhando durante 15 minutos.
Tempere novamente com sal, pimenta e páprica.
Lave o limão, corte-o em oitavos e decore a paella.
Rendimento: 4 pessoas.
Calorias aproximadas por porção: 850.
250 grams of cooked rice.
200 grams of spicy salami (or chorizo).
1 onion.
200 grams of frozen squid rings.
2 garlic cloves.
2 little red chillies.
1 red bell pepper.
1 green pepper.
4 chicken thighs.
Salt to taste.
Black pepper.
1 pinch of paprika powder.
4 tablespoons olive oil.
100 millimeters of white wine.
1 handful of saffron (0.2 grams).
500 millimeters of fish stock.
1 lemon.
1- Thaw the squid rings. Peel the onion and garlic and chop very thinly.
Wash the chilli and peppers, dry them and cut in half lengthwise.
Chop the chillies and cut the peppers into 1 cm pieces.
2- Rinse the chicken thighs in cold water, dry them and season with salt, pepper and paprika.
Peel off spicy salami and cut into slices.
3- Heat a little olive oil in a large high skillet.
Put chicken thighs in skillet, fry on both sides for 3 minutes and remove from heat.
In a pan, put the rest of the olive oil, and add the onion, garlic, chilli and chillies, stirring constantly.
Add rice and saute until translucent.
4- Pour the white wine over rice and vegetables, add the turmeric.
Season with salt and pepper, add 500 millimeters of fish stock and simmer for 15 minutes.
5- Note that the broth is little add more broth, so that the rice does not burn.
Add the defrosted squid rings and cook for 15 minutes.
Season again with salt, pepper and paprika.
Wash the lemon, cut it in eighths and garnish the paella.
Yield: 4 people.
Approximate calories per serving: 850
250 grams of cooked rice.
200 grams of spicy salami (or chorizo).
1 onion.
200 grams of frozen squid rings.
2 garlic cloves.
2 little red chillies.
1 red bell pepper.
1 green pepper.
4 chicken thighs.
Salt to taste.
Black pepper.
1 pinch of paprika powder.
4 tablespoons olive oil.
100 millimeters of white wine.
1 handful of saffron (0.2 grams).
500 millimeters of fish stock.
1 lemon.
1- Thaw the squid rings. Peel the onion and garlic and chop very thinly.
Wash the chilli and peppers, dry them and cut in half lengthwise.
Chop the chillies and cut the peppers into 1 cm pieces.
2- Rinse the chicken thighs in cold water, dry them and season with salt, pepper and paprika.
Peel off spicy salami and cut into slices.
3- Heat a little olive oil in a large high skillet.
Put chicken thighs in skillet, fry on both sides for 3 minutes and remove from heat.
In a pan, put the rest of the olive oil, and add the onion, garlic, chilli and chillies, stirring constantly.
Add rice and saute until translucent.
4- Pour the white wine over rice and vegetables, add the turmeric.
Season with salt and pepper, add 500 millimeters of fish stock and simmer for 15 minutes.
5- Note that the broth is little add more broth, so that the rice does not burn.
Add the defrosted squid rings and cook for 15 minutes.
Season again with salt, pepper and paprika.
Wash the lemon, cut it in eighths and garnish the paella.
Yield: 4 people.
Approximate calories per serving: 850
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